Puri Jagannadh's Telugu film BUSINESSMAN has emerged a stupendous success. Starring Mahesh Babu in the lead, the film was closely monitored by industry watchers in Bollywood as well. One of the reasons for keeping tabs could be Bollywood's interest in Southern films. The super success of a number of South Indian remakes [BODYGUARD and SINGHAM specifically] has prompted film-makers in Mumbai to keep an eye on what's faring well in South.
In between, there was talk that Puri Jagannadh was keen on remaking BUSINESSMAN in Hindi with Mahesh Babu, but the latest development is that the talented director is in talks with Ranbir Kapoor for the lead role. "Mahesh Babu wasn't keen on the Hindi remake of the film," Puri Jagannadh informs me. Meanwhile, a hush-hush screening of the film was held for Ranbir last week. "We are in talks with Ranbir, though nothing concrete is finalized yet," Puri Jagannadh adds.
In the meantime, Puri Jagannadh is making BUSINESSMAN 2 with Mahesh Babu. The sequel, he tells me, will be made in Hindi and Telugu languages simultaneously
In between, there was talk that Puri Jagannadh was keen on remaking BUSINESSMAN in Hindi with Mahesh Babu, but the latest development is that the talented director is in talks with Ranbir Kapoor for the lead role. "Mahesh Babu wasn't keen on the Hindi remake of the film," Puri Jagannadh informs me. Meanwhile, a hush-hush screening of the film was held for Ranbir last week. "We are in talks with Ranbir, though nothing concrete is finalized yet," Puri Jagannadh adds.
In the meantime, Puri Jagannadh is making BUSINESSMAN 2 with Mahesh Babu. The sequel, he tells me, will be made in Hindi and Telugu languages simultaneously