Bala Krishna has almost completed shooting for his triple roles in Adhinayakudu and now, his next movie tentatively titled as Kalki in the direction of Ravi Chavali will be launched. Ramesh Puppala will produce Kalki under the banner of Yellow Flowers banner.
Kalki will be launched on February 6 and Bala Krishna will be playing powerful role in the movie. Parvati Melton is playing the female lead in the film. Parvati is looking out for a good comeck after she got immense fame for her item number in Dookudu.
The actress who has rejected many offers has finally agreed to Bala Krishna movie. On the other hand, Adhinayakudu will release in February.
Kalki will be launched on February 6 and Bala Krishna will be playing powerful role in the movie. Parvati Melton is playing the female lead in the film. Parvati is looking out for a good comeck after she got immense fame for her item number in Dookudu.
The actress who has rejected many offers has finally agreed to Bala Krishna movie. On the other hand, Adhinayakudu will release in February.